Nursing & Healthcare News
BRN Scandal
California state auditor investigation finds gross misconduct
The Board of Registered Nursing is responsible for investigating nurses accused of misconduct, but a recent investigation by California State Auditor Elaine M. Howle, CPA, concluded that three BRN executives committed gross misconduct — ironically, by falsifying a report about the BRN’s enforcement efforts.
BRN Enforcement Audit
Here’s the background: Following a December 2016 audit report on the large number of complaints awaiting investigation by the BRN, the state auditor’s office made a number of recommendations for reducing the BRN enforcement program’s case backlog.
The audit team later determined that the BRN’s initial attempts to address these recommendations had increased investigators’ average caseloads to what auditors considered excessive levels, which “had simply shifted — not eliminated — its backlog of complaints.” The auditors advised the BRN that to fully implement the audit recommendations, caseloads should not exceed 20 cases per investigator.