Men In Nursing 2020

John Ferrer, Care Management Specialist, L.A. Care Health Plan

Looking back on this year, what have been the biggest changes in your practice?

The biggest change has been going from working in healthcare settings to an office setting and then to working remotely from home. It is important for me to recognize that although I am no longer working at the bedside, I am still making a positive impact in people’s lives.

Tell us about the most inspirational thing you’ve experienced as a nurse during this pandemic.

Helping an individual who was evicted from his home because he had contracted COVID-19 and his roommate feared they would contract the virus from him. The individual was hospitalized and then discharged with no home to return to. I was able to connect him with community resources that helped him find stable housing and government assistance.

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What nonmedical support from family, friends or the general public has been most appreciated?

The support from my family, especially my wife and daughter, is something I will forever cherish and appreciate. The flexibility to work from home and witness my 18-month-old daughter’s milestones has also been priceless.

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How have you grown as a nurse since you started working in this profession?

Nursing is a dynamic profession, and because of that, I have grown tremendously as a nurse and as an individual. I have experienced adversity, hardships and grief, which have taught me to be more empathetic and compassionate toward others.

Read the full Men in Nursing 2020 article here.

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