CNO Roundtable 2022

Moving On Up

Tips for prospering in your organization

If a nurse is thriving in a charge or manager role, what steps do you suggest for advancing his or her leadership career?

Elizabeth Adams, Kaiser Permanente Downey Medical Center

Join the American Organization for Nursing Leadership and immerse yourself in the nurse manager competencies. Develop a three- to five-year plan and look at what skills you currently have versus what the market demands. Partner with a career mentor who will invest in your development. Also, ask to shadow the CFO, CNE or another department leaders outside your usual area. Don’t be afraid to try new initiatives, ask lots of questions or get uncomfortable.


Anita Girard, Cedars-Sinai

The best way for charge nurses and managers to advance is to engage in larger projects at the organizational level. Oftentimes, going back to school for a higher degree is another effective way to get noticed and promote your career.


Katie Hughes, Casa Colina Hospital & Centers for Healthcare

Take every opportunity to be involved in unit councils and performance improvement projects. Improvement projects are usually multidisciplinary, and there is a lot to be learned from the team you work with. This also provides an opportunity for people to see your strengths. Additionally, I strongly recommend finding a mentor who can provide encouragement and honest feedback.

Nursing Education


Joyce Leido, Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center

The best way to enhance your career is to find a mentor early — and find more than one, if you’re able to. Observe the leaders in your organization, both within the nursing departments and in other areas, and see to whom you most gravitate in terms of style, presence and personality. Reach out to them about the possibility of their becoming a mentor. Be bold!


Jinhee Nguyen, Adventist Health Glendale

Identify mentors inside and outside your organization. Shadow a leader to observe and experience what it’s like to be in that role. Joining a professional leadership organization is another great way to enhance your skills and learn what’s happening in the healthcare market. Stay current on trending topics nursing leadership is focusing on.


Tanya Osborne-McKenzie, MLK Community Healthcare

I like to include leaders in initiatives within their areas of accountability. Some examples include having charge nurses each take a portion of their unit staff to be responsible for on updates; organizing Kaizen process improvement events; and sending staff/leaders to conferences and then have them educate their teams upon their return.

Hiring Now


Chiarina Piazza, West Coast University

Self-discovery accompanies self-development. If you pay attention during the process of developing yourself, you’ll also discover your true passions, strengths, weaknesses and insecurities. Gaining this awareness and developing courage are the first steps in moving to the next level of leadership.


Ramona Pratt, PIH Health Whittier Hospital

Get to know your organizational leaders — greet them in the hallways, start a friendly conversation in the cafeteria and tell them during leadership rounds what you think would make your work easier or more satisfying. The more comfortable you are communicating with senior leadership, the more they can help you contribute to positive change, and the more you’ll be on their radar for advancement opportunities.


Linda Soubirous, Loma Linda University Medical Center – Murrieta

Shadow nurse executives to gain a clear perspective of the commitment and responsibilities those positions involve. Obtain a higher level of education that includes leadership courses, and work towards nurse leadership certification. Keeping up to date on issues by joining professional organizations and staying current on publications and webinars will also help you build a strong foundation.


Sarah Stevens, California Rehabilitation Institute

Express an interest and let the leadership know your personal aspirations. Don’t be shy! Once a leader knows where a team member wants their career to go, they can offer appropriate opportunities. If an interim opportunity becomes available, step up and give it a go.

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