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Articles about COVID-19 Clear search35 articlesNursing & Healthcare NewsCOVID and Flu VaccinesDosing, timing, and what’s changedA new round of vaccines arrived earlier this summer. Here’s what nurses need to know. New Covid Vaccines As a respiratory infection, COVID is easily transmissible. With the near-total abandonment of infection prevention measures like isolation and...Nursing & Healthcare NewsNew COVID-19 BoostersNext round of vaccines will target Omicron XBB variantWondering what’s next for COVID-19 vaccination? New boosters and guidelines are coming this fall. Here’s what we know NOW. Out With the Old According to the World Health Organization (WHO), genomic sequencing data indicates that the early strains of...My SpecialtyRespiratory Telemetry Nursing, Doug Robinson, USC Arcadia HospitalLeading a close-knit unit through the COVID-19 crisis and beyondDoug Robinson, RN, MSN Nursing Manager 4-North Respiratory Telemetry Unit USC Arcadia Hospital Please share with us the arc of your nursing career. My journey began in the Seattle area. After I had some experience under my belt, I accepted a travel...
California Rehabilitation InstituteRegal Medical GroupHenry Mayo Newhall HospitalL.A. Care Health PlanLos Angeles County DHSPIH Health WhittierVentura County Medical CenterSan Bernardino County - Arrowhead Regional Medical CenterPIH Health Good Samaritan HospitalRedlands Community Hospital
Nursing & Healthcare NewsTaking Aim at COVID-19 MisinformationCalifornia physicians may face disciplinary actionAs of January 1, a new state law means that medical providers who spread misinformation about COVID-19 may be subject to disciplinary action against their licenses. Fighting Falsehoods According to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 78 percent of...Nursing Book ClubThe Emergency: A Year of Healing and Heartbreak in a Chicago ER by Thomas FisherA pandemic memoir and personal look at racial disparities in healthcare The Emergency: A Year of Healing and Heartbreak in a Chicago ER is in part the memoir of a busy doctor, working impossibly long hours in the midst of a deadly pandemic and trying to keep his relationships afloat in the little free time he had. It’s also...Nursing & Healthcare NewsThe Pfizer COVID-19 Treatment PillFDA authorizes emergency use of oral antiviral therapeuticYou’ve probably already heard about Paxlovid, the oral antiviral drug that recently received FDA authorization for emergency use in treating COVID-19. Here’s what nurses should know about this new treatment. Basic Paxlovid Facts While it’s made by...
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Nursing & Healthcare NewsVaccines Holding Strong Against Delta VariantStudy finds no evidence of additional breakthrough infectionIf this summer’s surge in new infections has you worrying about the long-term effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination, here’s some good news: A new study finds that the vaccines remain highly effective against the Delta variant. Much Less Than Feared...Nursing Book ClubThe Premonition: A Pandemic Story by Michael LewisHow America ignored the warnings of public health expertsIn 2019, the Global Health Security Index ranked the U.S. first in overall pandemic readiness. Two years later, we lead the world in both total cases and total deaths due to COVID-19. In his recent book, The Premonition: A Pandemic Story, author Michael...Nursing & Healthcare NewsMildest Flu Season on RecordMasks and social distancing pay offIf you’re tired of masks and social distancing, you can take heart in knowing that they’ve saved lives, and not just from COVID-19. Those precautions also gave us the mildest flu season ever recorded in the U.S. Influenza Hospitalizations Hit New...Posts pagination12…4Next
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