
Jesse Poon, Pediatric Medical, Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC)

Looking back on this year, what have been the biggest changes in your practice?

The biggest changes have been safety-related. We now have PPE nurses to supervise the use of protective equipment and write down the names of every staff member who enters and exits a COVID-19 patient’s room, for contact tracing purposes. When safety is the priority, it’s worth the extra time.

Tell us about the most inspirational thing you’ve experienced as a nurse during this pandemic.

When ours became the designated COVID-19 floor, our whole unit held firm. At times, I felt overwhelmed, but another nurse would graciously ask if they could take a few tasks from me. It has really been a group effort. When I was in a COVID-19 room, one of my clinical associates would offer to take vitals. If we ran out of supplies or had broken equipment, our secretaries were on top of it. The EVS team thoroughly cleaned each room to prevent nosocomial infection. Sometimes, the smallest favors can be the biggest help.

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What nonmedical support from family, friends or the general public has been most appreciated?

My wife continues to be my rock. Although she has had to adjust to numerous changes herself, she continually finds ways to be there for me and the kids. I am so lucky to have her by my side.

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How have you grown as a nurse since you started working in this profession?

I would like to say I have matured over the years, although some of my coworkers may not think so — I still like to joke around when I can. Two things I have learned are that in pediatrics, parents are just as crucial to patient care as medicine, and nothing is more important than trust in my coworkers, who are there for me in times of need.

Read the full Men in Nursing 2020 article here.

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